The city of Hervey Bay stretches around the foreshore from River Heads north to Burrum Heads and takes its name from the bay named by Capt. James Cook in 1770 from Capt. Augustus Hervey (later the Earl of Bristol).
Between August and October, its sheltered waters become a playground for families of humpback whales resting on their return to Antarctica. European settlement dates from 1863 when Boyle Martin introduced sugarcane growing to the area; in the following half-century, several thousand South Sea Islanders were forcibly recruited to work in the district plantations.
Hervey Bay is located on the lower end of the coast of Queensland. Situated between the major cities of the Sunshine Coast and the Bundaberg Regions. Hervey Bay is located within the Fraser Coast and directly across from Fraser Island, the world heritage listed island and biggest sand Island in the World.
Hervey Bays’ postcode is 4655. This postcode stretches to 29 suburbs within Hervey Bay sharing the same postcode. Going all the way from Burrum Heads to River Heads from north to south and as inland as Sunshine Acres and Booral. Amazingly enough, Fraser Island shares this same postcode.
Hervey Bay stretches a wide distance making it a popular place for many to either visit or live here. This is because you have an option to live on the coast, be inland, a bit of farmland or away from the central part of town but still feel part of the community.

With so much to offer just a short distance away or for most a very short drive or quick bike ride it’s no wonder Hervey Bay has been a popular destination.
The added bonus of Hervey Bay is the whale watching capital, which makes Hervey Bay a thriving vacation destination. Whether it be backpackers or coming to visit over the school holidays, there is so much to do here. The usually quiet town becomes filled with vacationers from all over the world.
Many come strictly for the whale watching season, but you will find others come to visit Fraser Island or nearby Rainbow Beach or Tin Can Bay, which is located South of Hervey Bay around a 1 ½ hour drive. Some may even choose to head north for the day and check out nearby Childers, Burrum Heads, Biggenden, Bargara, Elliot Heads, Coral Cove, or Bundaberg.
Suburbs for Postcode 4655:
Booral | Pialba |
Bunya Creek | Point Vernon |
Craignish | River Heads |
Dundowran | Scarness |
Dundowran Beach | Sunshine Acres |
Eli Waters | Susan River |
Ghost Hill | Takura |
Great Sandy Strait | Toogoom |
Happy Valley | Torquay |
Hervey Bay | Urangan |
Hervey Bay Dc | Urraween |
Kawungan | Walliebum |
Kingfisher Bay | Walligan |
Kingfisher Bay Resort | Wondunna |
Nikenbah |
Suburbs For Postcode 4659:
Beelbi Creek | Burrum River |
Burgowan | Burrum Town |
Burrum | Howard |
Burrum Heads | Pacific Haven |
Suburbs For Postcode 4662:
The postcode 4662 only has one suburb which is Torbanlea. It is a quiet little town just next to Howard and Burgowan. It was one of the first mining towns on the Fraser Coast. A cute little town to go to even if you’re just driving through.
Suburbs For Postcode 4650:
Aldershot | Grahams Creek | Pilerwa |
Antigua | Granville | Pioneers Rest |
Aubinville | Gundiah | Poona |
Baddow | Hillcrest Heights | Prawle |
Bauple | Island Plantation | St Helens |
Bauple Forest | Little Tuan | Talegalla Weir |
Beaver Rock | Maaroom | Tandora |
Bidwill | Magnolia | Teddington |
Big Tuan | Maryborough | The Dimonds |
Boonooroo | Maryborough Dc | Thinoomba |
Boonooroo Plains | Maryborough West | Tiaro |
Duckinwilla | Mount Steadman | Tinana |
Dundathu | Mount Urah | Tinana South |
Dunmora | Mungar | Tinnanbar |
Ferney | Netherby | Tuan |
Glendorf | Oakhurst | Tuan Forest |
Glenorchy | Owanyilla | Walkers Point |
Gootchie | Pallas Street Maryborough | Yengarie |
Yerra |
Suburbs for Postcode 4620:
Aramara | Gungaloon |
Brooweena | Malarga |
Doongul | North Aramara |
Gigoomgan | Teebar |
Glenbar | Woocoo |
Suburbs for Postcode 4621:
Biggenden | Didcot |
Boompa | Golden Fleece |
Coalstoun Lakes | Lakeside |
Coringa | Wateranga |
Dallarnil | Woowoonga |
Degilbo |
Suburbs For Postcode 4570:
Amamoor | Gympie | Sandy Creek |
Amamoor Creek | Gympie Dc | Scotchy Pocket |
Anderleigh | Imbil | Scrubby Creek |
Araluen | Jones Hill | Sexton |
Banks Pocket | Kandanga | Southside |
Beenaam Valley | Kandanga Creek | St Mary |
Bella Creek | Kanigan | Tamaree |
Bollier | Kia Ora | Tandur |
Brooloo | Kybong | The Dawn |
Calgoa | Lagoon Pocket | The Palms |
Calico Creek | Lake Borumba | Theebine |
Canina | Langshaw | Toolara |
Cedar Pocket | Long Flat | Toolara Forest |
Chatsworth | Lower Wonga | Traveston |
Coles Creek | Marodian | Tuchekoi |
Coondoo | Marys Creek | Two Mile |
Corella | Mcintosh Creek | Upper Glastonbury |
Curra | Melawondi | Upper Kandanga |
Dagun | Miva | Veteran |
Downsfield | Monkland | Victory Heights |
East Deep Creek | Mooloo | Wallu |
Fishermans Pocket | Mothar Mountain | Widgee |
Gilldora | Munna Creek | Widgee Crossing North |
Glanmire | Nahrunda | Widgee Crossing South |
Glastonbury | Neerdie | Wilsons Pocket |
Glen Echo | Neusa Vale | Woolooga |
Glenwood | North Deep Creek | Wolvi |
Goomboorian | Paterson | Woondum |
Greens Creek | Pie Creek | |
Gunalda | Ross Creek |
What Is A Postcode?
In Australia, a postcode is a series of four numbers placed at the end of a postal address following the state. It is used for post offices to sort mail into areas to make it easier for delivery. Having a postal code system helps to map out areas within regions and states, giving a clearer picture as to where mail and packages need to be delivered.
An example for the proper use of a postcode: 12345 John Smith St., Unknown, QLD 1234
Start out by placing the number of the building or residential building, followed by the street name, name of the town or suburb, name of the state followed by the postcode of that town or suburb.
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