Many people say “Hey, we see the whales every year swimming past the beach just down the road!”. So Why Hervey Bay? They are right! Humpback Whales swim along the east coast of Australia (as well as other countries around the world).
What makes Hervey Bay so unique is the fact that the whales are not in transit.
Humpback whales come into Hervey Bay to rest, play and frolic in the warmer waters. The mothers use the rest to teach the newborn calves the necessary skills for their calves’ survival in the deeper, colder waters of Antarctica. The sheltered waters offer the perfect whale watching experience.

Do Whales Come To Hervey Bay To Play?
It is not unusual for a pod of whales to play, breach (when the whale breaks the water, rising up to three-quarters of its body out of the water), and tail slap around the boats.
The whale watching guidelines state that a vessel should stop 300 metres from a whale but fortunately the whales do not know the rules more often than not they swim up to the side of the boat for a look.
What is also important to remember (especially if your not a good sailor or you are not even sure how well you will handle the water), please watch out for the whales everywhere else is on the open sea.
Whale watching in Hervey Bay is done in usually calm conditions of Hervey Bay. This is due to the protection offered by Fraser Island to the east and the mainland of Australia to the south and west.
It is only when the wind is coming from a northerly direction that the conditions can get a little rough which is thankfully not very common.

Whale watch season is from August to the end of October. The first 2 weeks of the season are called “Whale Searching”. This is when whale watch boats can’t guarantee a sighting (but nearly There are a wide variety of Whale Watch tours available.
Dawn, half-day & Full day tours are available. Prices vary from $A109 (prices quoted 2023 season). Full-day tours include lunch, and morning and afternoon tea. During the season proper, operators guarantee that you will see a whale or you go out again “FREE.
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